About Addmore Group
Addmore Group Inc. was established in 1992 and is focused exclusively on providing SAP staffing solutions. With more than three decades supporting the SAP Marketplace globally, Addmore is Canada’s, and one of North America’s, leading providers of top quality, cost-effective SAP Consulting and Staffing solutions. Addmore supports a variety of companies including SAP themselves, software vendors, consulting firms and companies running SAP.
Addmore is one of Canada’s few ASUG Certified Trusted Members (America’s SAP user group). When you see the ASUG Trusted Certification logo alongside listings of affiliates, it is confirmation that ASUG has reviewed and validated these companies as trustworthy and capable business partners, and that they are committed to ethical and successful business practices. For more information about ASUG Trusted Certification, please contact affiliates@asug.com.